E-Bikes Blog

Summertime typically beckons us outdoors, but sometimes it's easier to find a reason to skip an adventure for a social media scroll in the A/C. Excuses range from big ("It's 95 degrees and I'm too busy!") to small ("I don't feel like loading up to drive to the trailhead"). Here are 8 ways an electric mountain bike (eMTB) blasts those excuses into the sun and leaves you Riding Happy. 

Tern’s new, ultra-compact electric cargo bike will make “No Bad Days” your new Ride Happy mantra. The low-step frame and upright position will have testy hips, knees, and necks chiming in with “No Big Deal!” Whichever acronym you choose and whether you’re running errands, on your way to work, or enjoying your daily ride, the NBD feels comfy and welcoming—just like your favorite bike should be.

We get it. Riding a bike on the road with cars can be intimidating, especially when you're just getting started. With a little practice, planning, and these helpful tips, you'll build your confidence to enjoy all the incredible benefits of hopping on your e-bike and getting around town with ease.

Let's get ready to rumble! In today's compact e-cargo bike showdown, the Riese & Müller Multitinker is taking on the Tern GSD. Both brands are world-renowned for quality, innovation, and customization. Let's take a closer look at these compact contenders' features and design to see which is the ultimate cargo- and passenger-carrying machine. Gear up for an exciting ride as we put these two bikes to the test!

Holy moly... summer's almost here and there's no better way to enjoy the sunshine, move your legs, and connect with our wonderful community than on TWO WHEELS. Break out your planner and gear up for big smiles because the adventures start now...

Looking for a versatile and compact e-bike to simplify and spice up your daily routine? Look no further than the Yuba Fastrack, a mid-tail electric cargo bike that can transform in seconds based on your hauling needs. Let's take a closer look at the patent-pending Dual Rack System, powerful Shimano motor, and slick design features that make the Fastrack your perfect match to start Riding Happy!

Why ditch the car and make more of those trips on an e-bike? Besides the fact it's like having your very own magic carpet, we've rounded up five solid reasons to get your two wheels turning.

PLUS! We're putting the FUN in refund with an by giving yours a BOOST this tax season. We'll send you an additional Ride Happy Refund of up to $500 to score the best deal on a new e-bike so you can ride away with a smile on your face. 

Looking for a ride that can handle your groceries, furry friend, wiggly kids, and uphill battles? With its powerful motor, dual battery option, tons of customizations, and fun-to-ride frame, the Spicy Curry is a staff fave here at OEB. Let’s take a closer look at the three models available to discover which is perfect for you!

Freedom from judgement by others and self. Freedom to be present and unobstructed by the confines of the world, whatever or wherever that world might be! Freedom to be who you are and doing whatever makes you happy. Marley and Kailey epitomize that freedom by reminding us that riding a bike is... just...  riding a bike! It's open to everyone no matter their body or background and it opens up the world within you as well as the environment around you. 

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